Posts Tagged ‘ BIM ’

Saudi Bio-Acids Plant Laboratory

Posted on: July 23rd, 2018 by Parsons & Lumsden No Comments

Saudi Bio-Acids Laboratory

Saudi Bio-Acids Company

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Heating, Ventialtion & Air Conditioning


BIM and the value it adds…

Posted on: January 24th, 2017 by KablooeyMonsters No Comments
BIM and the value it adds...

Building Information Modelling (BIM), a progressing development that engages the design and management of building services using a digital representation with physical and functional characteristics.

CAD modeling, rather than CAD draughting, has been the norm in the manufacturing sector for some time. However, it has taken rather longer for the more conservative building fraternity to embrace its advantages. When we have the opportunity to work in Revit, AutoCAD 3D and AutoCAD MEP it simplifies the service co-ordination process dramatically and allows thorough space planning with the rest of the design team.

In addition, we now derive Bills of Quantity directly from the model, saving time and ensuring accuracy. A rather less obvious and very positive spin-off is that people unfamiliar with reading our normal 2D plans, elevations and sections can understand exactly what the design team is dealing with even in the most complex of buildings, with the assistance of 3D modelling.


National Bioproducts Institute Revit model